Watering the soil so that the flower may bloom!
Blooming Lily Mission Statement
Established in 2014, the Blooming Lily Foundation is a 501(c) 3 non-profit entity founded and led by Dr. Sophia Omoro. We are on a mission to empower people to positively fulfill their destiny, and give back. Our name is in memory of Lily, Dr. Omoro's sister who sadly passed away at a young age of 46, from a culmination of multiple life obstacles including undiagnosed/untreated depression, domestic physical, emotional and mental abuse, and ultimately untreated colon cancer. This was despite her high level of education and apparent achievement. She never bloomed. Dr. Omoro thus set on a quest to challenge individuals, especially young girls, to not only identify and fulfill their purpose, but also identify and overcome life obstacles or paths that would otherwise rob them of their destiny. Dr. Omoro believes a purposeful, fulfilled life not only benefits oneself, but others as well.
The foundation runs and supports programs in Kenya (mainly at Onsando girls school and the Kendu Kids Klub for HIV positive orphaned children) and St. Tammany Parish in Louisiana. The Kenya locations were chosen given the extreme poverty and need in these rural areas, where there is little to no chance of otherwise blooming.
Sotik Virtual Sanitary Pad Drive
For a donation of $12, you can provide sanitary pads for one girl for one year.
Of the 180 girls enrolled in Onsando Girls school, none have access to funds purchase pads for their monthly sanitary needs. This leads to missed school days which can lead to drop out.
The Onsando Girls waiting patiently for a delivery.
Patricia, our lead member on the scene, hand delivers these pads every 3 months. Then the girls know they will continue to have a supply.
Our board member in Kenya hand delivers your gift to these 11-18 year old girls.
Learn about our ongoing projects in Kenya and St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
Annual Finding Your Purpose Retreat
This is a fully sponsored 4 day hands on workshop geared towards helping to identify one’s purpose as well as possible obstacles and how to overcome these.
Speakers include a mental health specialist, a success coach, an infectious disease specialist as well as a career coach. Thus far 50 girls from Sotik School in Kenya and 7 from Kendu bay, Kenya have attended. These girls were chosen due to their dire socio-economic status. Attendees then become Blooming Lily ambassadors with mentors available for the rest of their path.
A donation of $200 sponsors a girl to attend the retreat, held in December of every year.
"Lighting the Path" Initiative
This project aims to illuminate the way to success for the 131 girls from Sotik school in Kenya. We aim to provide mentorship, exposure and connections to the world beyond their village, as most of them have never left.
- The initial step was the successful provision of 131 solar light to the girls, who would otherwise have no means to study or read after dark.
- In the next phase, the foundation is working on providing computers to the school. 7 computers have been donated thus far. The challenge remains securing Internet connectivity in this rural area.
- Future efforts include offering computer skills.
Sanitary Pad Drive
Many girls in developing countries stay home from school at least one week out of every month because they lack of means of taking care of their sanitary needs. This predisposes them to poor performance, school drop out and thus minimal education, an initial stumbling block. The foundation provides a year’s worth of sanitary pads to the 180 girls at Sotik School in Kenya. Recently, the Mormon Women group in Great Falls, MT hand-made and sent reusable sanitary pads, which we delivered directly to the girls.
A donation of $12 supplies one girl with pads for one year.
Kendu Kids Club
The foundation supports the Kendu Kids Klub in Kendu Bay, Kenya. This is a club of approximately 300 children and youth, ages 0-23, who are HIV positive though maternal contraction, and most are orphaned. A monthly free lunch allows the group to have a lighthearted fun activity, giving respite from an otherwise challenging existence. Encouragement and reward is also given for adherence to medical treatment. Other provisions include shoes and clothing. A donation of $10 will buy a single lunch for 5 of these children.
Clean Water Initiatives
The foundation supports a clean water initiative through a water filter drive. For $22 we provide a rural home with a water filter and thus save lives by avoiding water born diseases and parasitic infections.
The foundation has also been charged with building a well at the Sotik School in Kenya. An onsite water source would eliminate having to rely on trapping rainwater or going to nearby seasonal streams for water. The foundation has received a donation of $2000 towards this project. Our goal is $8000.
Give Back Initiatives
The foundation provides opportunities for Blooming Lily ambassadors (retreat attendees who have been previously fully sponsored to the exclusive experience) to be involved in their immediate communities and give back in a non-financial way.
The foundation provides an opportunity for our supporters from outside Kenya to participate and contribute in our annual retreats.
Through our material donations, the foundation has supported local charities in St. Tammany parish.
We're empowering individuals around the world to lead happy, fulfilled lives and achieve their dreams.
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All Rights Reserved. Blooming Lily Inc 2017